Tuesday, 29 June 2010

BOBBIN bicycles

Anyone interested in dutch bikes should definitely check out this website. I'm not crazy about bike chic, it's not really my thing, but they definitely account for a nice accessory for those less trafic and more fashion conscious.


Saturday, 26 June 2010

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


I started new blog as a visual diary to my slightly darker, non bike related interests (you guess). I stumbled upon this image on someone's tumblr and thought would be approapriate to post it here. You can check my other blog here: asyouplease.tumblr.com

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Midsummer Madness

For all bike insomniacs. On 21st of June, London Festival of Architecture 2010 is organizing a midnight ride through the city starting at 2am in Greenwich with coffee stop at Bar Italia in Soho and finishes with breakfast at 6am by Tate Modern. The route Grenwich - central - Primrose Hill and back to Thames bank provides a great architecture spotting opportunities made better by the absence of cars and tourists constantly getting in a way (as we all know it). With an early start and early a.m. finish it is certainly a challenge, I can't guarantee attendance as I didn't even make it to Tied Together (charity) midnight Sup magazine ride from Nike 1948, which was literally next to my house. Maybe it's to to give that lazy ass a little kick.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

BFF party

For anyone in NYC tonight...

Davey James Clark

My good friend Davey started a new blog featuring some really nice photographs from MIXTMEAT's Ribs ride. I really like these as they are different from the usual stuff you see from rides or fixed gear related happenings. The melancholic feel of expired film has really added something little more special to these. Well done, Davey!


Friday, 11 June 2010

One Got Fat 1963 Bicycle Safety

This is definitely the most disturbing safety commercial I have ever seen, possibly inspiration for some Chris Cunningham videos. Kids on the bike trip dressed in freaky monkey masks dropping dead one by one when they don't follow safety regulations. Makes me happy for not growing up in 60's.

H by Harris

It is no novelty that fixed gear bikes are mega trend and everyone's been jumping on the fixed gear breakless bandwagon (imagine that in practice) for some time. In my opinion, that is all good as long as something interesting comes out of it. That is definitely the case of British accessories designer Harris Elliot that has presented his latest collection through a short film featuring some nice fixie stunts. We've seen it all, of course, but this one is particularly well done. No clues as of who the crew is, it's directed by Manny Bonnet.

His collection is really not bad, I especially fancy this jacket with different sizes quilt and attachable rucksack. For the full interview with designer, go to Dazed Digital.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

A little illustration for gloomy morning

Found this nice image while "surfing the net" this morning and "linking" through various blogs (I feel like a real "blogger" using these early 00's terms) has led me to discover this lovely little website dedicated to bikes and bike related art.

The website is called Brush&Spoke and its a real little gem full of nice illlustration, videos and bike related stuff. I chose my favourite to give you a taste but do have a look at it yourself.

Chairman Ting - Bicycle wall art from Chairman Ting on Vimeo.

Nice innit.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Gutter Bunny x Gutter Bunny Project

First of all, you might have noticed new thing on the right hand side, yes the Gutter Bunny magazine dummy is done and available to download, consisting of about 20 something pages of music, interviews, bikes, etc. Make me happy, have a read and let me know if you liked it!

I've been recently approached by two american girls Sarah and Krista, that run project of art installations named Gutter Bunny Project. What a name, right? Anyway, they'll be showing their work across galleries in US and are looking for more footage of urban cyclists worldwide to go with their art installation. Hit me up with your bike videos!
They also liked the portraits I made for Gutter Bunny and suggested they could be part put up in the galleries and because I like them too and I like the people in them even more, I thought I would blast them on here again and in full grace. This is an ongoing project and I'm looking for more models, let me know if you'd like to have your picture taken, it doesn't hurt...MASSIVE THANKS to Ju, Julia, Timmy, Bruno, Patricia, Ollie, Jenny and Geraldine for posing for me.